Recording a terminal session

The command script <filename> starts a new session and records all characters input or output to the terminal in the file <filename>. For example, this is useful for keeping a proof of submitting an assignment To stop recording type Ctrl-d or exit. An example session is shown below.

[alice@onyx ~]$ script log
Script started, file is log
[alice@onyx ~]$ date
Sat Oct 14 12:06:11 MDT 2017
[alice@onyx ~]$ nproc
[alice@onyx ~]$ free -h
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:            31G        7.3G        5.3G        533M         18G         22G
Swap:           49G        6.0G         44G
[alice@onyx ~]$ exit
Script done, file is log
[alice@onyx ~]$

Here is another example:

[alice@onyx chap01]$ script cs121-p6-submit.log
Script started, file is cs121-p6-submit.log
[alice@onyx chap01]$ submit alice cs121-2 p6

Right now this program is collecting the following directory
Make sure that the directory is the right one!!!!

If you trying to submit the previous programs(late),
 this program will time-stamp your submission.  

press Return to continue.

Here are the files that will be submitted. If that is not correct,
then you can resubmit with the right files in place.
Directory: /home/faculty/alice/cs121/programs/chap01

Submission of Programming Assignment p6 is now COMPLETE.
You will be informed of your grade 
after the deadline (via e-mail). 

Current timestamp: Thu Apr 18 22:29:35 2017
[alice@onyx chap01]$ exit
Script done, file is cs121-p6-submit.log
[alice@onyx chap01]$