- To find the number of processors available on the system, type nproc
- To find details about the processors, type lscpu
- To find out the amount of memory on the system, type free. It shows the memory in
kilobytes, which can be hard to parse. To see the output in more human readable units, type free -h
- To see what version of Linux is installed, type cat /etc/redhat-release
- To see a summary of system state, use the top command. You can change its output
to color by typing z (lowercase z). Typing z again turns the colors off.
Note that this shows the top active processes on the system. The first column is the process
id. Each process has a unique process id. You can see the load on individual CPUs by pressing
'1'. Pressing '1' again takes you back to the view with combined load on all the CPUs. Pressing
M sorts the processes by most memory usage. Pressing P sorts the processes by most CPU time used.
Also, try these commands on the onyx server for more interesting results! You can connect to it
with the ssh command as shown in Section 3.5.3.