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Running MPI programs

Here is a sample session.

[amit@onyx hello-world]$ pbsget -4

Allocate cluster nodes via PBS for running interactive parallel jobs.

Trying for 4 nodes

 Scheduling an interactive cluster session with PBS.
 Please end session by typing in exit.

 Use qstat -n to see nodes allocated by PBS.
 or use xpbsmon to graphically see nodes allocated by PBS.

 You may now run MPI, pvm, xpvm or pvmrun. They will automatically use
 only the nodes allocated by PBS.
 If you are using pvm or xpvm, then  please always halt the pvm
 system before exiting the PBS cluster session.
 If you are using MPI, then  please always halt the MPI daemons
 system before exiting the PBS cluster session using mpdallexit command.

 For running LAM MPI programs use the following command:
     mpirun i-np <#copies> [options]  <program> [<prog args>]
 For running MPICH2 MPI programs use the following command:
     mpiexec -n <#copies> [options]  <program> [<prog args>]
 For running PVM programs use the following command:
 Usage: pvmrun -np <#copies> <executable> {<args>,...}


qsub: waiting for job to start
qsub: job ready

[amit@onyx PBS ~/cs430/lab/MPI/hello-world]:mpdboot
Starting  5  mpds
[amit@onyx PBS ~/cs430/lab/MPI/hello-world]:mpiexec -n 4 spmd_hello_world
Hello! I am 0 of 4 running on node17.
Hello! I am 1 of 4 running on node18.
Hello! I am 3 of 4 running on node20.
Hello! I am 2 of 4 running on node19.

[amit@onyx PBS ~/cs430/lab/MPI/hello-world]:mpdallexit
[amit@onyx PBS ~/cs430/lab/MPI/hello-world]:exit

qsub: job completed
[amit@onyx hello-world]$

Amit Jain 2014-10-03