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Using the pvmrun application

With PVM you need to create the PVM system with either the pvm console or the xpvm application. Once the PVM system is operational, then you run your program. This is undesirable for several reasons. For example, if you forget to start the PVM system, your applications fails. If you left the PVM system running, then you will connect to what is already running. In order to avoid these problems, we have created an application named pvmrun. Running pvmrun with the help option shows its usage.

[amit@onyx amit]$ pvmrun -h
pvmrun: $Id: pvmrun.c,v 1.8 2004/09/02 00:00:28 amit Exp $
Usage: pvmrun -np <#tasks> <executable> {<args>,...}
  For a pvm master/slave program: pvmrun -np 1 <executable>
  For a pvm n-way spmd program: pvmrun -np n <executable> {<args>,...}

  The list of machines to use for PVM is determined as follows:
        if PBS_NODEFILE is set, then use the file specified by PBS
        else: exit and ask user to run after getting nodes
                using pbsget.
[amit@onyx amit]:

The pvmrun program starts the pvm system for you, runs your application (either master/slave MPMD style or SPMD style) and then cleanly shuts down the PVM system. If the PVM system is already running, it shuts it down and restarts it with the list of nodes supplied by the PBS system. You must use pvmrun in your PBS batch jobs.

The following shows the usage of pvmrun to run a parallel program. Note that we show the program being run twice. The second time we have redirected the standard error output from pvmrun to a file so only the output from the application shows up.

[amit@onyx parallel_sum]$ pbsget -4
Allocate cluster nodes via PBS for running interactive parallel jobs.
Trying for 4 nodes
qsub: waiting for job to start
qsub: job ready

[amit@onyx PBS ~/cs430/lab/PVM/parallel_sum]:pvmrun -np 4 spmd_sum 10000
pvmrun: Using host file: /var/spool/pbs/aux/

pvmrun: Probing for pre-existing PVM.
libpvm [pid10012] /tmp/pvmd.999: No such file or directory
libpvm [pid10012] /tmp/pvmd.999: No such file or directory
libpvm [pid10012] /tmp/pvmd.999: No such file or directory
libpvm [pid10012]: pvm_mytid(): Can't contact local daemon
pvmrun: PVM not running. Ignore error messages above from pvm_mytid().

pvmrun: Succeeded in starting new PVM daemon!

Selected nodes from file: /var/spool/pbs/aux/
pvmrun: Succeeded in adding 5 hosts.
pvmrun: Parallel Virtual Machine configuration

[tc0001] BEGIN
[t100001] BEGIN
[t140001] BEGIN
[t80001] BEGIN
[t80001]  I got 2500 from 0
[t80001] I got 2500 from 1
[t80001] I got 2500 from 2
[t80001] I got 2500 from 3
[t80001] The total is 10000
[t100001] EOF
[tc0001] EOF
Received PvmTaskExit notification from task id 100001
Received PvmTaskExit notification from task id c0001
[t140001] EOF
[t80001] EOF
Received PvmTaskExit notification from task id 140001
Received PvmTaskExit notification from task id 80001

pvmrun: 4 tasks finished!
pvmrun: Halting PVM.
pvmrun: End of PVM application.
[amit@onyx PBS ~/cs430/lab/PVM/parallel_sum]:pvmrun -np 4 spmd_sum 10000 2>
[tc0001] BEGIN
[t140001] BEGIN
[t100001] BEGIN
[t80001] BEGIN
[tc0001] EOF
[t140001] EOF
[t80001]  I got 2500 from 0
[t80001] I got 2500 from 1
[t80001] I got 2500 from 3
[t80001] I got 2500 from 2
[t80001] The total is 10000
[t100001] EOF
[t80001] EOF
[amit@onyx PBS ~/cs430/lab/PVM/parallel_sum]:exit

qsub: job completed
[amit@onyx parallel_sum]$

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Amit Jain 2014-10-03