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HoloShots: Photorealistic Immersive Virtual Reality

Seeing Is Believing!

In the HoloShots project we are building technology to let you step into photographs. By capturing stereo-panoramas at resolutions above 100 Megapixels virtual reality becomes reality.

In this project we use specially assembled camera rigs on robotic mounts to capture 360' immersive stereo at very high resolution (>100Mpixel) for each eye.

With these high-resolution panoramas users can step directly into the picture.

We are developing new technology and tools for this project:
HoloViewer A viewer for large format displays as well as Occulus Rift and Samsung Gear VR.
Editor Application for combining traditional computer graphics scenes with high-resolution photoreal stereo captures.
Pipeline As part of our work we are establishing a computer graphics pipeline that integrates 3D immersion tools at every step of production.
Immersion Camera Stepping into pictures is great but what you want to be able to do is walk in them. We are testing and developing a variety of 360' stereo capture devices to allow for real-time navigation in photorealistic environments.

Students can join this project and work on exciting things:
. Go on photo-shoots and learn how to capture immersive content.
Learn how to create immersive photorealistic content, worlds, and art.
Build new tools for immersive digital editing.
Learn the production process for digital immersive content
Attend conferences and workshops and show off your work.

Our Content

Here at Boise State our team of student researchers have already been capturing exciting immersive content. They have collected stereo panoramas around Boise and have taken a trip to Yellowstone National Park to collect exciting material there.

Below are thumbnails of the right eye of the panoramas. To see the 3D versions you will need the stereo viewer.

Boise State University Campus
On the Boise State Campus there is a new sculpture of the campus logo. It's a great place for students to take photo's when they visit the campus
A nice new sculpture amongst the cherry blossoms
A shot of Bronco Stadium from the Stands
A shot of Bronco Stadium from the endzone
The Old Idaho State Penitentiary
A capture from inside a cellhouse.
The sally port into the penitentiary. This shot looks amazing in 3D.
This way to the Gallows!
The center of all the cell blocks in the Penitentiary.
Camel's Back Park in Boise
At the bottom of the stairs that lead up to the top.
Standing at the top of the hill that gives the park its name.
Midway from the base of the stairs to the top of the hill.
Some places around Boise.
A view from the top of the new Zion's Bank building.
A shot taken in the front yard of a house in the North End of Boise. Complete with very obvious stitching errors.
Shots from Yellowstone National Park
A Panorama taken at Lake Yellowstone