[2016.10.06 BSU CS Info Session.]

[Graduate Programs in US.]

[GenCyber - PBS NOVA Cybersecurity Game.]

[GenCyber - Security Goals and Cryptographic Algorithms.]

[GenCyber - Strong passwords easy to remember.]

[Cybersecurity Programs in Computer Science Department.]

[P2P email encryption by an identity-based one-way group key agreement protocol.]

[Security Vulnerability in Identity-based Public Key Cryptosystems from Pairings.]

[Proxy Credential Forgery Attack to Two Proxy Signcryption Schemes.]

[Semantic Hiding Databases (SHDB) - Protecting data privacy and integrity in clouds.]

[A PASS Scheme in Cloud Computing - Protecting Data Privacy by Authentication and Secret Sharing]

[Quantitatively Measuring Security of Cryptographic Algorithms]

[Hierarchical Identity-Based Access Control System]


[Security and Management Conference 2007]

[ACM Information and Knowledge Management Conference 2005]

[Internet Computing Conference 2003]

[ACM Southeast Conference 2003]