Using find for useful tasks

The command find is a powerful tool that can be used for many tasks that operate on a whole directory.

For example, you can find all Java source files in your home directory (represented by the tilde ~) with the following use of the find command.

[alice@onyx docs]: find ~ -name "*.java" -print

However, note that it also matches the file named .java, which isn't a valid Java source file. We can skip that by insisting that the pattern must contain at least one letter before the dot. see below:

[alice@onyx docs]: find ~ -name "*[A-Za-z].java" -print

Another example: you can find all files that were modified in your home directory in the last 30 minutes with the following use of the find command.

[alice@onyx docs]: find ~ -mmin -30 -print
[alice@onyx docs]:

One of the most powerful uses of find is the ability to execute a command on all files that match the pattern given to find. Here are some examples: