Remote access using Secure Shell

The Secure SHell (SSH) program is a secure encrypted client for login to remote machines. The password as well as the data that is transmitted is encrypted. Note that secure shell software can also be obtained for Microsoft Windows (use the free MobaXTerm software that contains a ssh client in it) and it comes pre-installed with Linux and Mac OS X.

You can login to another machine using the ssh command (that is the Secure SHell program name). The command ssh starts a new shell on the remote machine. For example, you can login to the onyx server from your local system using the following command:


where USERNAME would be replaced by your login user name on the onyx server (and lab). To logout of the onyx server, use the exit command or just type Ctrl-d.

If you use the -Y option with ssh command, then it will allow graphical output from the remote machine to your machine. This works out of the box if your local machine is running Linux. Try the following command:

ssh -Y

Then you can try running Eclipse from onyx to see if this works.

If your local machine is running Windows or Mac OS X, then you would need to have an appropriate X graphics server installed.