RETURN is an example of a control character--an invisible character that controls some aspect of input and output on the terminal. If you press the keys Ctrl-m (that is, press Ctrl and m simultaneously) the effect is the same as pressing the RETURN key.
By typing Ctrl-c, from the terminal, you can kill most running programs or commands. (Thec stands for cancel.)
Another important control character is Ctrl-d, which tells a program or a command that there is no more input. For example, typing Ctrl-d on the terminal will signify to the shell that there is no more input from the user and it will log you out. Ctrl-d can also be thought of as an “end of file.”
Typing Ctrl-z suspends a running program. (The z stands for zzzzzz's or sleep) Type fg (for foreground) to restart.
Ctrl-s stops your screen from scrolling and Ctrl-q resumes scrolling. On most keyboards there is a Scroll Lock key for the same purpose.
Here is summary of the control characters.
Control Character | Action |
Ctrl-c | Cancels the program running on the command line |
Ctrl-d | Tells a program that there is no more input (similar to an End of File) |
Ctrl-z | Suspends the program running on the command line |
Ctrl-s | Stops your screen from scrolling |
Ctrl-q | Resumes scrolling it was stopped |