The following example script counts the number of lines in all files given in the command line.
#!/bin/sh # echo $# files wc -l $*
Note the # sign is a comment in the second line of the script. The # comment sign can be used anywhere and makes the rest of the line a comment. The command echo outputs its arguments as is to the console (the $# gets converted to the number of command line arguments by the shell). Go ahead and type the above script in a file named to try it out. Don't forget that shell scripts need to be set executable - chmod +x <script>.
Here is an example usage:
[alice@onyx shell-examples]: * 3 files 5 6 3 numusers 14 total [alice@onyx shell-examples]:
The simple script assumes that all names provided on the command line are regular files. However, if some are directories, then wc will complain. A better solution would be to test for regular files and only count lines in the regular files. For that we need an if statement, which we will cover in a later section.