Search - Game Playing

Implement the game DotDot. Your implementation should incorporate alpha-beta pruning with the search depth configurable at run time. You may use any static evaluator you see fit. In fact, you may use different evaluators for different search depths. Your program will play against the user of your program, so you should provide a way for the user to review the current state of the game and to input his or her next move.

We will run a series of  tournaments to see whose program is best. The top n/2 programs in a single tournament will be awarded n/2 + 1 - r extra credit points, where n is the number of competing programs and r is the rank of the program. Three tournaments with search depths limited to 2, 5, and 10 plies will be run. To run tournaments, your program should be configurable so that either it or the user may start first. The board size must also be configurable. For the tournament, each move should be made in under 15 seconds.

The programs should have a garphical user interface (the code will be provided). For the tournament, the programs will have
to connect to a server to establish a connection with another program that wants to play. The details will be provided in due course of time.

The Usual Rules

DotDot is a simple game . The game starts out with a rectangular grid of dots, as in... The players, x and o, take turns connecting two dots. The dots must be adjacent horizontally or adjacent vertically. If a player completes a square such that each corner of the square is adjacent horizontally and vertically to two other corners of the square (this is just a fancy way of saying a square whose sides do not contain any dots other than the endpoints (this is just a fancy way of saying the smallest possible square on the grid)), the player marks an x or an o, as appropriate, in the middle of a square and gets to move again. When no more moves are possible, the player with the most marked squares wins.

The COMPSCI 557 variant

In order to reduce the branching factor, we will add one requirement: