Parallel Chess Gaming

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Created on Wednesday 10 December 2003 by Dave Palmer

Table of Contents
  1. Parallel Chess Gaming
  2. Basic Game Architecture
  3. Basic Computer Chess Game
  4. User Interface
  5. Calculation Functions
  6. Evaluation Function
  7. GamePlay Engine
  8. Search Engine -- Sequential
  9. Parallel Architecture
  10. Parallel Search Engine
  11. Problems with Computer Chess
  12. Benchmarking
  13. Sequential Benchmarking Results
  14. P = 1 Benchmarking Results
  15. P = 2 Benchmarking Results
  16. P = 4 Benchmark Results
  17. P = 8 Benchmark Results
  18. P = 16 Benchmark
  19. Speedup Measurements
  20. Future Opportunities
  21. Commercial Opportunities
  22. DEMO
  23. [This Title Intentionally Left Blank]