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Parallel Shell

The cluster comes with a simple parallel shell named pdsh. The pdsh shell is handy for running commands across the cluster. See the man page, which describes the capabilities of pdsh in detail.

First you need to setup ssh certifcate with the ssh-setup to allow password less access among the cluster nodes with the command:

One of the useful features is the capability of specifying all or a subset of the cluster. For example:

pdsh -a <command> targets the <command> to all nodes of the cluster, including the master.

pdsh -a -x node00 <command> targets the <command> to all nodes of the cluster except the master.

pdsh -w node[01-08] <command> targets the <command> to the 8 nodes of the cluster named node01, node02, $\ldots$, node08.

Another utility that is useful for formatting the output of pdsh is dshbak. Here we will show some handy uses of pdsh.

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Amit Jain 2014-10-03