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Accessing the cluster from a remote system

The following are some common commands for accessing the master node of the cluster from a remote site.

Note that the letter s stands for secure. All these commands encrypt your data on the network to protect against eavesdroppers. These commands replace the insecure equivalents (rlogin, rsh, rcp) that have been used commonly for accessing remote machines. Note that rsh commands work internally on the cluster (to support some software that needs it) but it is operating behind a firewall on a private network.

The command scp also has an option -r that lets you copy directories. In addition, you can specify a directory to copy to on the remote machine. Remember that the pathnames are relative to your home directory on the remote machine. For example to copy recursively a directory named prog1 on your local system to the master node under the directory cs430 or tt cs530 in your home directory, use the following command:

scp -r prog1

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Amit Jain 2014-10-03