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Submitting a PBS batch job script

The command qsub can be used to submit a PBS job. Please see the man page for qsub for a variety of options that can be used with it. Continuing with the example script psort.pbs from the previous subsection, we can submit it for execution as follows.

cd ~amit/cs430/lab/PVM/tools/
qsub psort.pbs

The status of a job can be checked with the qstat command. Using qstat -n also shows the nodes that were allocated to your job.

[amit@onyx tools]:qsub psort.pbs 
[amit@onyx tools]:qstat
Job id           Name             User             Time Use S Queue
---------------- ---------------- ---------------- -------- - -----
116.onyx         psort.pbs        amit                    0 Q default
[amit@onyx tools]:qstat -n
                                                            Req'd  Req'd   Elap
Job ID          Username Queue    Jobname    SessID NDS TSK Memory Time  S Time
--------------- -------- -------- ---------- ------ --- --- ------ ----- - -----
116.onyx.boises amit     default  psort.pbs     --   17  --    --  00:30 R   --
[amit@onyx tools]:

You can delete jobs with the qdel command.

The standard output and standard error streams are redirected into the files psort.pbs.oxxx and psort.pbs.exxx, where xxx is the job number assigned by PBS.

In case of an error in running the job after it has been accepted in the queue, PBS sends an email to the user.

The following shows another example of submitting a job. This time we are specifying that the job should start anytime after the time specified in the qsub command, that we should be emailed at the start and end of the job, and the jobs is to be named test1.

[amit@onyx parallel_sum]$ qsub -m be -a 0400 -N test1 psum.pbs
[amit@onyx parallel_sum]$ qstat -n
                                                            Req'd  Req'd   Elap
Job ID          Username Queue    Jobname    SessID NDS TSK Memory Time  S Time
--------------- -------- -------- ---------- ------ --- --- ------ ----- - -----
853.onyx.boises amit     default  test1         --   17  --    --  00:30 W   --
[amit@onyx parallel_sum]$ date
Thu Sep  9 03:57:33 MDT 2004
[amit@onyx parallel_sum]$
[amit@onyx parallel_sum]$ date
Thu Sep  9 04:00:23 MDT 2004
[amit@onyx parallel_sum]$ qstat -n
[amit@onyx parallel_sum]$ls -l test1.*853
-rw-------    1 amit     faculty      2047 Sep  9 04:00 test1.e853
-rw-------    1 amit     faculty      1850 Sep  9 04:00 test1.o853

----------------------Mail message-----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 04:00:00 -0600
From: adm <>
Subject: PBS JOB

PBS Job Id:
Job Name:   test1
Begun execution
----------------------Mail message-----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 04:00:02 -0600
From: adm <>
Subject: PBS JOB

PBS Job Id:
Job Name:   test1
Execution terminated

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Amit Jain 2014-10-03