PbsApp for Android


Compute clusters are used to solve large, computation-intensive problems. These systems are shared due to a large investment in resources to set up and maintain these systems. Often, a job queue or batch system, such as a Portable Batch System (PBS) is used to enable sharing the cluster resources among many researchers. This project provides a mobile application which allows the user to view the status of the jobs on a cluster. Also, the ability to perform some simple administrative tasks is included. The application is written for Android devices, using the Java programming language. This is a good case study for developing a medium complexity application with performance issues.


In order to use PbsApp you will need to be running Android v2.0 or later. The app was developed with the target device running v2.3.4.


Here, you can download the .apk for PbsApp, v1.1.


If you download the .apk onto your Android device, you should be presented with an option to install.

Last update: May 16, 2012 Chris Schance and Amit Jain